
Privacy Policy

Lorem Ipsum è un testo segnaposto utilizzato nel settore della tipografia e della stampa.


At Volt, we believe that everyone has the general right to Privacy, and specifically, should be able to exercise fine-grained control over how their personal information is used by an organization. To this end, Volt aspires to not only meet the requirements of the various privacy legislation that applies to our global customer and employee base, but also extend a common set of rights which exceeds these requirements to everyone who interfaces with Volt .

Lorem Ipsum è un testo segnaposto utilizzato nel settore della tipografia e della stampa. Lorem Ipsum è considerato il testo segnaposto standard sin dal sedicesimo secolo, quando un anonimo tipografo prese una cassetta di caratteri e li assemblò per preparare un testo campione. È sopravvissuto non solo a più di cinque secoli.

2. Scope

Volt refers to the legal entity, Volt Industries Inc, headquartered at 126 Post Street, Floor 4, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA. ‘Products and services’ are defined as any application developed by Volt for use by our customers, such as the Volt Web IDE, the Volt Device Cloud, or any physical hardware products shipped by Volt that connect to these services.

3. Motive’s Products

Motive’s products are services offered through our Site are intended solely as business-to-business offerings and this Privacy Policy does not apply to our data use practices for those offerings, which are instead covered under our Terms of Service. If you are an End User of Motive products and services through a Motive Customer, the Motive Customer’s privacy policies and other legal agreements govern the use and sharing of your personal information. Please check with your employer on their privacy policies and data sharing policies to better understand your rights. 

4. Legal basis for collection of personally identifiable information

Volt collects personally identifiable information only where it has a legal basis to do so. Typically, this is because you’ve expressed an interest in, or decided to purchase a Volt product or service, and therefore we need to ship it to you, provide support and perform other general e-commerce transaction and service provider functions. Volt will not intentionally gather information from children under the age .

5. Disclosure of personal information

Volt does not ‘sell’ personally identifiable data for direct financial benefit. Volt may share personally identifiable information with it’s chosen service providers in support of its principal business operations, but all such relationships are governed by contractual agreements with those service providers and are routinely vetted to ensure they meet our strict security and privacy requirements.

In relation to Volt role as a data processor, Volt will receive and process data on behalf of our customers, before passing the data back to them. Volt stores only the minimum amount of data required to deliver the service reliably, such as device identifiers and IP addresses, and does not make a habit of storing more data than is absolutely necessary.

6. Security of personally identifiable information

Volt has a dedicated information security team that works to ensure that appropriate safeguards and controls are applied to any data collected by Volt . The security team has input into all aspects of Volt operations, including the development of hardware and software products, as well as setting company-wide policies and performing operational security monitoring. When collecting personal information over the Internet via our websites, all transmissions occur via connections encrypted with Transport Layer Security (TLS). All communication between Volt hardware devices and the Volt cloud is encrypted in transit using an appropriately strong, and modern, set of cryptographic ciphers.

7. Making a privacy request

In order to make a request to exercise any of the rights listed above, you must contact Particle’s privacy team via email. Volt will respond to any privacy requests received here within 30 calendar days. volt will not disclose, update, or otherwise alter personally identifiable information, unless it can satisfactorily authenticate and identify the subject making the request.

8. Notice regarding use of Cookies

Volt, like many other organizations, will store session information (often called “Cookies”) in your browser that will help volt to identify information such as browsing activity, IP addresses and page view order. You do have the option to not use these Cookies; the majority of browsers will have a “help” tool that will help you to prevent Cookies if you want to, but volt recommends you keep Cookies active as it will provide a better user experience on volt Websites.

9. Notice to European Union Residents

Volt operates in accordance with the the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and as such, this privacy policy has been designed to incorporate the specific requirements laid out within the GDPR. We’re committed to protecting the rights of EU residents who leverage the volt platform, and encourage EU residents to contact us to exercise those rights using the mechanism described in the ‘making a privacy request’ section above.